Remco de Man MSc

15 november 1995
Deventer, NL

Computer Scientist with multiple interests within the field. Specialized in the field of software engineering by education. Pratical experience in the fields of front- and back-end development, operations and (cloud) infrastructure engineering.

About me

As an enthousiastic computer scientist, I will (almost) never avoid a challenge involving the computer. Because of this, I am broadly oriented within my field. I have pratical experience with back-end code, front-end code, softwarearchitecture, operational management and cloud infrastructure. In my spare time, I like to try new technologies and techniques to learn about the newest developments in my field.

Apart from the time I spent behind my computer screen, I try to swim at least one time a week. As part of a small club of enthousiastic swimmers we are always looking for new waters to swim in. In the summer, you can also find me in open water, like recreational waters. In the winter, I will try to be at the skipiste at least one a year.


Software and Site Reliability Engineer

Moneybird BV

Moneybird is the most automated accountancy application for entrepreneurs. In 2022, Moneybird became the first accountancy application with an integrated financial business account. This way, enterpreneurs are relieved from and provided in all their financial needs for their business.

Within Moneybird, I am part of a team of +/- 25 software engineers. As a software engineer, I help developing new functionality and maintain existing functionality and code.

Together with a subteam of software engineers, I am part of the Site Reliability Engineering team. This team is responsible for cloud-based infrastucture which hosts Moneybird. Within this team we work according to the Site Reliability Engineering principles, in which automation and ‘infrastructure as code’ are central parts.

Furthermore, I am responsible for several business processes in the area of operational management and continuity, which are annually audited as part of our ISO27001 certification.

Besides my responsibilities as software engineer and Site Reliability Engineer, I also coach some collegue’s from the software engineering team. Moreover, I regularly mentor higher education students during their internships and final theses. When possible, I also help the HR-team in their ongoing effort to find new collegues for the Software Engineering team.

February 2020 - Ongoing

Teaching assistant

University of Twente

Multidisciplinary job in which I assisted at practicals, supported the teaching team and contributed to educational improvements in the field of Computer Science. The job required me to work within a team and other people from different backgrounds.

September 2015 - November 2019

Sales representative

Paradigit Retail BV

Paradigit Retail BV was a retail organisation selling computerhardware and smart home products. Nowadays, the company only exists as a webshop.

Job in which I supported the sales team of the Paradigit Store in Apeldoorn. I was jointly responsible for keeping the store running with as main task selling products to customers.

July 2014 - December 2014

Student Service Desk Employee

Veluws College Walterbosch

Veluws College Walterbosch is a high school (‘middelbare school’) part of the Veluwse Onderwijsgroep.

In the role of Student Service Desk Employee or Laptopdokter, I worked in a team together with 4 other students solving software and (small) hardware problems for laptops from the former laptopproject. The laptopproject provided all students of all Veluws College schools with a laptop meant for school duties. Laptops from all Veluws College schools were treated and repaired by our team.

Januari 2012 - Mei 2014


Board member

Non-profit foundation Zwem4daagse Apeldoorn

As a board member of the Stichting Zwem4daagse Apeldoorn, I am (co-)responsible for organizing the annual Zwem4daagse, which has been held in Apeldoorn for many years.

My tasks primarily include the technical maintenance of the website and its associated webshop, designing various types of printed materials, and arranging and integrating payment solutions before and during the Zwem4daagse.

December 2022 - Ongoing

Committeemember, committeechair, boardrepresentative, campleader

Sport and leisure assoication De Apeldoornse Watervrienden

February 2018 - January 2022 Campleader:

  • Organisation and leader for the annual youth camp for members aged 10+.

Mid 2018 - January 2022 PR-committee:

  • The PR-committee takes care of the website, the social mediaoutlets, newsletters, posters, promotion activitities and recruitment activities.
  • Committeemember from mid 2018 until November 2021.
  • From november 2021 until januari 2022 committeechair and boardrepresentative.
  • Responsible for the website, e-mail and other technical affairs.
  • Partly responsible for communcation to members and the outside world.
  • Photographer for multiple association activities.
February 2018 - January 2022


Blubs Zwemclub (Blub's Swimming Club)

Blubs Zwemclub

Together with a group of enthousiastic swimmers I am part of Blubs Zwemclub (Blub’s Swimming Club). Although we are not an official sports association, we work together on this project centered around rubber ducks, swimming and fun. Within Blubs Zwemclub, I give advise on technical matters and I take part in the planned swimming activities.

January 2022 - ongoing

Knowledgebird: An automated chatbot

Moneybird BV

Project developed as part of the Industrial Software Engineering Project, in which a proof of concept of an automated chat robot was created to assist customers of Moneybird better.

September 2018 - February 2019


Platforms and technologies
  • AWS 
  • Docker 
  • Elasticsearch 
  • Kubernetes 
  • Linux 
  • OpenSearch 
  • PostgreSQL 
  • Redis 
Programming languages
  • CSS3 
  • Dart 
  • Go 
  • HTML5 
  • Java 
  • JavaScript 
  • Kotlin 
  • Less 
  • Python 
  • Ruby 
  • Sass 
  • Swift 
  • Ansible 
  • GitHub 
  • GitLab 
  • Helm 
  • Hugo 
  • Kibana 
  • Terraform 
  • Flutter 
  • Ruby on Rails 
  • Stimulus 
  • Wordpress 
  • Hard-working 
  • Eye for detail 


M.Sc. in Computer Science

University of Twente

Cum laude

Average: 8.96

Thesis title: A formalisation of EMF by expressing Ecore as GROOVE graphs

September 2017 - December 2019

B.Sc. in Technical Computer Science

University of Twente

Cum laude

Average: 8.67

September 2014 - July 2017

Voortgezet wetenschappelijk onderwijs

Veluws College Walterbosch

Average: 7.64

Educational profile: Natuur & Techniek (Nature & Science)

September 2008 - July 2014


  • Remco de Man and Ansgar Fehnker (2018).
    “The Smell of Processing”
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU, SciTePress
    DOI: 10.5220/0006701704200431
  • Ansgar Fehnker and Remco de Man (2019).
    “Detecting and Addressing Design Smells in Novice Processing Programs”
    Computer Supported Education, Springer International Publishing
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21151-6_24